Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lovely Cupcakes..

Hello Everyone..

Ada sesapa kat sini minat cupcakes..?

What for? Macam-macam event leh guna cupcakes ni..

Wedding (Hantaran or Door Gift),

Kelahiran (Door Gift), Birthday, Hari Guru, Hari Sahabat.. Macam-macam kan..?

So kalau korang teringin nak beli cupcakes macam dalam photo2 ni.. Just call me or Pn. Ika at 012-3102099


Syada137 said...

wah,nmpk sedap sey..
tuh saiz standard ke saiz mini ye fiq?
and the price?
de delivery/pick-up point ker?

Nadzrah said...

sape jual ne??

Afiq's Diary said...

Lovely Cupcakes memang sedap.. Not too sweet.. Not too creamy..

Semua mmg standard size..

For any pertanyaan korang boleh call Pn Ika @ 0123102099

Just mention korang kawan aku..